“信贷市场质量,经济增长与国际贸易”——Prof. Cristina Terra


主 题:Credit market quality, growth and trade(信贷市场质量,经济增长与国际贸易)


主讲人:Prof. Cristina Terra


时 间20151111日(周三)上午10——11


地  点:文泉楼南203会议室 


Cristina Terra教授,1994年获得美国普林斯顿大学经济学博士,现在法国巴黎ESSEC商学院(法国高等经济商业学院)担任教授职位,同时担任法国巴黎塞尔齐大区的博士生学院院长职务,并在法国国际经济学研究中心CEPII, 法国国家科学研究院(CNRS)的经济理论、模型设计及其应用研究所(THEMA)任高级研究员。曾担任巴西计量经济学学会主席和ESSEC商学院经济学研究生项目负责人。

长期致力于国际经济学的理论研究和实证研究,先后在国际著名经济学期刊The Quarterly Journal of EconomicsJournal of International EconomicsJournal of Development Economics等发表二十多篇学术论文。出版国际经济学教科书 “Principles of International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics: Theories, Applications, and Policies.” 并撰写7本宏观经济学书籍。同时担任Brazilian Review of Econometrics的主编,Journal of Applied Economics杂志编委。并担任了多个国际会议2000 Meetings of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association 1998 Meeting of national economy 2008 Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society2014 Meetings of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association等的学术委员会委员,并多次组织了Meeting of Brazilian economy国际学术会议。


讲座内容: Using a general equilibrium model with private R&D financing, we investigate the impact of trade openness on growth and on welfare for two countries equal in all aspects, except for the quality of credit markets. We show that trade openness increases growth only in the country with better credit market, while it has a negative impact on growth when credit markets are less developed. With respect to trade pattern, the country with worse credit market imports high tech goods and exports traditional goods. In terms of welfare, opening to trade may lower the welfare of individuals in the short run, but in the long run all of them are better off under free trade than if they were under autarky.